Two Year old Consultation
Consultation on a Proposal by the Governing Body of Alfreton Nursery School for the extension of the Age Range of the School from 3-5 years to 2-5 years
Alfreton Nursery School, an Ofsted rated Outstanding school for over 20 years, offers excellent education for children in Alfreton and surrounding areas. It currently has a 65 place nursery for 3 to 5 year old children.
Following the closure of Alfreton Childrens Centre, a building linked to Alfreton Nursery School, Derbyshire County Council allowed the Nursery School to acquire the grounds and buildings. This has given the School the perfect opportunity and space, both inside and outside to offer an additional 10 places per session for 2 year olds. Following advice from the Local Authority and our own waiting lists, we have identified that there is a sufficient demand for a 2 year old provision.
We are seeking the views of all our stakeholders for their support in this.
Alfreton Nursery School Governors would welcome any comments, observations or objections in this respect.
To accommodate the creation of a 2 year old provision, two additional Nursery Nurses will be employed from September 2025, to provide sufficient support to the Early Years Teachers.
A five year income and expenditure budget has been agreed by Alfreton Nursery School Governors, and is being submitted as part of the 2025-26 Annex 1 budget plan to the Local Authority.
The consultation on this proposal will be for four weeks from Tuesday 18 March 2025 to 24 April 2025 (this allows for the Easter holidays)
A meeting will be arranged with all interested parties to explain the proposal and respond to questions. This will take place on –Wednesday 23rd April at 2.30pm in Alfreton Community Hub, Alfreton Nursery School – DE55 7SH This consultation document will be available on request from the School Business Manager at the address and e-mail address below and is available on the school’s website at .
Any comments, observations or objections should be sent to –
School Business Manager
Alfreton Nursery School
Stanton Close
Alfreton DE55 7SH
Or by e-mail to .
The deadline for receiving responses (to be discussed at a Governors meeting on Wednesday 23rd April 2025) for this consultation is Tuesday 22 April at 4pm.
At Alfreton Nursery School we endeavour to make every child’s unique learning journey an inspirational adventure
Alfreton Nursery Schools Intent