Through a systematic progression of skills and repetition, children understand and develop their use of language in all areas. It is our intent that all children make progress, closing gaps in attainment. Our language rich environment emanates high expectations and reflects the children’s interests and fascinations.
Intensive support will expose children to and build on vocabulary opportunities. Our curriculum and the high-quality interactions between staff and children supports the subtle interplay between cognition and communication. Opportunities to share children’s life experiences alongside sharing professional practice bridges the communication divide between home and school.
Communication and Language is immersive within our language rich environment. The huge diversity of our children’s language levels requires many different approaches, leading to unique language journey’s that support fluency in development as children progress towards clear end points. Many of our children increasingly need intensive support, through Speech and Language Therapy, ECAT and the use of Makaton and Communication Boards. Our teaching uses expert knowledge that supports all of our children to become effective communicators. Children are supported and challenged through diverse teaching approaches, that reflect on progression plans, informing teaching and closing the gaps..
The impact of ambitious intentions, expert knowledge and informed teaching is that all our children will be effective communicators, relative to their own abilities. Our programmes of speech and language support, ensure that the gap in children’s progress and levels of fluency are closed, and end points are clear and personalised..
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At Alfreton Nursery School we endeavour to make every child’s unique learning journey an inspirational adventure
Alfreton Nursery Schools Intent